It is well known in the healthcare community that a catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is one of the most common infections a patient can contract in the hospital[1] and, due to the payment penalties and non-reimbursable costs associated with them, one of the most common issues healthcare facilities are seeking to improve.
It has been estimated that each year, more than 13,000 deaths are associated with CAUTIs[3] Each CAUTI is associated with the medical cost of $758 and over $340 million spent in health care is attributable to the incidents of CAUTI in the U.S. each year.[4]
Since 2014 only slight improvements have been reported each year. So, what is causing this CAUTI epidemic? Some systemic causes may be:
• Manual CAUTI Inspection
• Lack of Nursing Empowerment
• Not Tracking CAUTI Rates
• Manual Data Reporting & Analysis
Does this mean that the CAUTI rate is the best it can be?
We don't believe so. In fact, we have put together an 8-Step Program that has produced impressive results. Below is an overview.
The 8 Musts for a CAUTI Free Facility:
#1. Gather Data
Use a digital tool to gather preliminary CAUTI data from past and present to establish a baseline.
#2. Engage Leadership
When senior leadership is engaged, change can occur more swiftly and create a lasting shift in culture.
#3. Develop Policy
Research current processes and study industry leaders to form a new policy.
#4. Empower Nursing
Increase the autonomy of nursing to proactively decrease indwelling catheter utilization.
#5. Engage Physicians
Encourage physicians to support the new program.
#6. Educate Staff
Education should include every nurse, patient care assistant and physician.
#7. Execute Policy
Implement the new policy and track its use while also capturing data to analyze process effectiveness.
#8. Evaluate Progress
Analyze the data to ensure improvement and make adjustments where needed.
Download The 8-Step Program to Becoming CAUTI-FREE ebook to put your facility on the path to being CAUTI free!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] Elpern, E. R. (2018). Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Adults. CriticalCareNurse, 9-11.
[2] CDC. (2017). Hospital Safety Grade.
[3] CDC. (2018). Urinary Tract Infection (Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection [CAUTI] and Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection [UTI]) and Other Urinary System Infection [USI]) Events. PSC Manual, 7-1 - 717.
[4] CDC. (2017). Hospital Safety Grade.
[5] CDC. (2018). HAI Data and Statistics. CDC and Prevention.