While I could safely say that all hospitals would benefit immensely by utilizing electronic rounding systems, I would like to highlight three specific reasons hospitals work with companies like Readiness Rounds for our many types of electronic rounding formats (i.e. Environment of Care, Clinical Quality, Patient Experience, etc.).
3 Reasons Hospitals Benefit from Electronic Rounding Formats
1. Drowning in quality data
It has been identified that the average hospital conducts over 400,000 quality observations per year. For instance, the Environment of Care team conducts their rounds, the Pharmacy conducts Medication Management rounds, Nurse Managers audit CAUTI, CLABSI, and Restraint processes, patients are rounded on, Open Medical Records are reviewed and Executive Leadership conducts observational and staff
interview rounds for employee and patient experience purposes. Some of these rounds are done on paper, resulting in some poor soul being tasked to aggregate all of that data (which can easily be argued as a waste of an FTE’s time). Other rounds are done on many different, siloed software systems. And then there are those rounds that are still done on the back of a napkin. In a nutshell, you’re data rich, yet information poor (except in the napkin scenario of course, that’s just poor all around).
This discontinuity of data shows why all rounding and/or checklists should be done in the same system. The reasons are endless: streamlining efficiency and ease of use for front line staff, eliminating duplication (duplicative processes are a great way to aggravate staff and lower completion rates of rounds), saving the organization money via cutting down on redundant systems, streamlining rounding and reducing employee costs associated with it (the Readiness Rounds methodology can save multiple FTE-salaries-worth of effort.).
2. “Uh oh, we are in our TJC window and don’t know how we will do?” Or worse, “we know we will struggle!” Or, “Our HCAHPs scores are lackluster, CMS is on us, we have issues with CAUTI, CLABSI, etc. and HAC penalties.” Or all of the above…
Unfortunately, this is the most common theme: the place is “burning down” before the organization looks for a solution. Fortunately, a well thought out and robust rounding platform, combined
with an organizational commitment to dedicating enough resources for adequate data collection and follow-up correction can quickly turn around a struggling hospital’s performance. The key is 1) the right rounding solution and 2) senior leadership committing to backing and supporting its full use.
Lastly, if the system is robust, it will even allow you to see where you lie in regards to every regulatory (TJC, DNV, CMS etc.) standard and element of performance. Do you know where you stand in regards to compliance and accreditation right this moment?
3. Top Performers
You’re looking for the next best thing to further your mission of providing the highest and safest level of healthcare for your patients. You’re consistently performing in most areas in the top percentile, you pass your CMS or TJC (or DNV/HFAP) surveys with flying colors, your staff doesn’t
stress out when TJC shows up (ok, this might be a stretch). Overall you feel pretty confident in your processes and the direction of the organization as far as Quality, Patient Safety and Experience. Part of this reasoning is that you’ve always had strong leadership that embraces changes and is able to mold the culture of the organization to stay ahead of the curve, and being more proactive than reactive (this, in particular, is rare in healthcare when it comes to Quality and Patient Experience). Readiness Rounds can complement and improve the already strong processes in place at these types of healthcare organizations.
In closing, if you feel your organization fits into one of these scenarios, it may well be worth investigating further if moving to a High Reliability methodology makes sense for you.
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