Visitor & Entrance Management

Healthcare Embracing Entrance Management Systems

Similar to attacking a disease with treatment, an entrance management system can't skip a screening protocol to be effective in knocking out virus spread.

While much of the public is enjoying a pretty-close-to-normal summer, healthcare professionals are still in the trenches, caring for COVID-19 patients and doing their best to prevent the virus and variants from spreading amongst them, other patients and visitors.

Restrictions are eased and nonessential businesses are open; however, stagnate vaccination rates, increasing COVID-19 outbreaks from the delta/delta plus variants and the unknown of the future are making it difficult for those in healthcare to get back to life as usual.

If one field is a shining example of how to reopen safely, its hospitals and healthcare facilities because they never had the luxury of shutting down.

What is working for them in mitigating disease spread?

They are embracing better entrance management systems. And, they are using this respite before whatever the fall and winter brings to evaluate their entrance management systems and their approach to visitor management.

Considering it’s essential to keep healthcare workers safe and prevent healthcare facilities from becoming epicenters of disease spread, it’s no wonder that entrance management systems are being employed on the frontline of defense against COVID-19 and viruses to come.

A New Operational Reality for Entrance Management

There is no doubt that how people enter healthcare facilities is changed forever. Now and going forward, thorough screening of everyone entering is the operational reality.

We designed Well Screen, a customizable entrance management system, to stop the spread of disease at the door by automating tasks associated with heightened safety protocols that are here to stay.

Problems With Temperature Screening

Temperature screening was one of the first widespread precautionary measures adopted to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The problem, for those in healthcare and everyone else, was that it was slow to conduct, required close proximity and wasn’t a panacea for detecting infected individuals. Despite these issues, temperature screening is still an important aspect in screening against infectious diseases.

Well Screen automates temperature checks. The process is touchless and accurate. Plus, for staff, there is the convenience of mid-shift rescreening and single swipe re-entry.

Should entrance be denied, Well Screen displays on-screen and prints a hard copy of next-step instructions specific to your hospital or practice. Then, designated personnel receive real-time notifications of any flagged individual with a temperature.

Symptom Screening in Seconds

Temperature screening alone at entrance or re-entry is not an effective way to stop disease spread.

Infected employees, patients or visitors may be in incubation period, asymptomatic or taking fever-reducing medications. It is more effective when performed in conjunction with health attestations.

Well Screen kiosks feature a resistive screen to perform a touchless wellness symptom screening following a temperature scan.

Across the country and around the world, there are varying vaccination and case rates, which makes having customizable questions imperative.

Well Screen offers the opportunity to customize questions to fit your area’s or facility’s needs, including which states the individual has recently visited, as well as presenting them in a choice of multiple languages.

The entire screening process takes seconds, and the system can be set up in multiple configurations to suit a facility’s layout.

The Convenience of a Mobile App

Screening and checking in staff is simple and easy with the downloadable app. Employees download the app and use it to check in prior to their shifts.

Those who do not pass symptom screening, will be denied entrance and management will be alerted in real time of denials and of those who forget to perform the screening process.

The Better the Entrance Management System, the Better We Control and Minimize Disease Spread

The measures taken to control and minimize the spread of diseases cannot be siloed. To effectively combat virus infections, comprehensive screening must be performed at the entrance.

Similar to attacking a disease with a course of treatment, an entrance management system cannot skip a screening protocol if it is to be effective in knocking out virus spread.

By implementing and sticking to the screening precautions Well Screen automates, healthcare leaders can turn their entrances into frontline of defense against COVID-19 and the inevitable viruses to come.

Schedule a free consult call to see how we can help you manage your entrances.


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