Rise & Shine Regulatory Preparedness

Navigate Unannounced Regulatory Surveys with Confidence

Streamlines Compliance, Enhances Patient Safety and Prepares You with Confidence

Reduce unnecessary findings during unannounced regulatory visits.

Accreditation Regulator speaking to Doctor in Hospital Lobby
Rise & Shine device mockup

CMS has Changed the Rules with Unannounced Surveys

With CMS regulations shaping hospital revenues, compliance is not optional. The overwhelming complexity and the frequency of inspections are costing your hospital time, money, and peace of mind.


With Regulatory Visits, There Is Likely:

Increase in Findings

Regulator in Suit Meeting with a Doctor And Nurse in Hospital

With unannounced visits, there is potential for a significant increase in findings.

Any oversights can lead to costly efforts to correct non-compliance and significant disruptions in hospital daily operations.

Last-Minute Chaos

Two Nurses Running in the Hospital Hallway-1

Regulatory visits are stressful for hospital staff as they scramble to prepare.

As regulators arrive unannounced, it triggers a high-stress, hospital-wide alert. The scramble to ensure compliance is palpable.

Costly Resource Strain

Group of Nurses walking with Woman in Suit-1-2

Reacting to the arrival of regulators strains staff resources.

With staffing constraints these visits add significant additional pressure. Can your hospital afford this?




Rise & Shine logo

A proactive solution to unannounced regulatory visits.

Rise & Shine is your proactive ally in this challenge, transforming regulatory chaos into a structured path to compliance and ensuring a significant reduction in preventable findings.

Key Features & Benefits

Our High Reliability platform anticipates inspections, guiding you through required regulations with tailored checklists and real-time monitoring.

Turn the arrival of regulators from a surprise into a non-event with Rise & Shine's strategic readiness.



Eliminates the easily-avoidable findings.



Ensures immediate compliance with step-by-step checklist completion.



Checklists accessible from any device with our user-friendly mobile app.



Automatically generates compliance documentation and reports.

How Does it Work?

The Rise & Shine System in Action:

Upon the regulators' arrival, Rise & Shine dispatches comprehensive checklists to each department, triggering a systematic review of the Department before regulators arrive.


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Upon Regulators' Arrival:

Hospital Regulator Speaking with Nurse

Rise & Shine Step 1

Deploys Compliance Checklists

With real-time distribution of detailed checklists, departments can perform comprehensive sweeps to rectify any compliance issues instantly.

Rise & Shine Step 2

Monitors in Real-Time 

Our comprehensive real-time monitoring system ensures that checklist completion is carefully tracked across all departments, guaranteeing prompt and effective action.

Rise & Shine Step 3

Generates Automated Reports

Automatically generate detailed reports, ensuring all documentation is accurately captured and readily available for regulatory review.

Rise & Shine's Ongoing, Proactive Performance Improvement Approach:

Rise & Shine Step 1

Regular Monthly Drills

Engaging in monthly unannounced Rise & Shine drills strengthens the process and ingrains long-lasting improvement.

Rise & Shine Step 2

Performance Improvement Insights

Harness the power of aggregated data to uncover and address common compliance challenges, fortifying patient safety and enhancing care.

Rise & Shine Step 3

Enhanced Patient Safety & Care

Performance improvement initiatives are monitored and executed, resulting in a significant enhancement in overall safety and care.

Why Rise & Shine?

Significant Enhancements to Current Regulatory Preperation Processes

Rise & Shine Tablet Mockup

Financial & Reputation Protection

Hospitals are facing an avalanche of regulatory scrutiny, with 5-10 inspections yearly, costing an average-sized community hospital around $7.6 million in compliance support. Non-compliance isn’t just costly; it endangers nearly half of the hospital revenue and the institution's reputation.

Stress Reduction & Efficiency

When regulators are in the lobby, it can send a wave of panic throughout a hospital. Rise & Shine transforms this panic into preparedness. Our software streamlines the compliance process, drastically reducing the last-minute scramble and fostering a calmer, more controlled environment.

Proactive & Continuous Improvement

Our High Reliability platform doesn’t just prepare you for inspections; it embeds a culture of continuous improvement. By anticipating regulatory focus areas and providing automated checklists, Rise & Shine ensures that nothing is overlooked.

Rise & Shine Regulatory Preparedness



Stringent data security measures, and compliance with HIPAA regulations, accompany all of our software. 


We provide U.S.-based, in-house customer support. Additionally, we provide on-site onboarding assistance and training for staff.

How to Get Started with Rise & Shine

Step 1

Free Consultation

We'll meet to make sure your needs align with what we offer.


Step 2

Live in 30 Days

We set up and train your staff to be live in 30 days, and start conducting monthly drills.

Step 3

Ready & Prepared

The day an unannounced regulator walks into your lobby, you’ll be prepared.


Need Clarification?

1. How does your compliance management software benefit our hospital?

Our compliance management software is designed to help hospitals streamline their compliance efforts, reduce risks, and improve patient safety. It provides a centralized platform for tracking and managing compliance requirements, ensuring that your organization meets regulatory standards efficiently.

2. Is the software customizable to our specific needs and regulatory requirements?

Yes, our software is highly customizable. We work closely with your hospital to tailor the solution to your unique needs, taking into account your specific regulatory environment, policies, and procedures.

3. How user-friendly is the software, and what kind of training is required for our staff?

Our software is designed with user-friendliness in mind. We provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure your staff can effectively use the system. Most users find it intuitive and easy to navigate.

4. What about data security and HIPAA compliance?

Data security and HIPAA compliance are top priorities for us. Our software employs robust security measures to protect sensitive patient information and ensure that your hospital remains compliant with privacy regulations.

5. Can the software assist in reporting and analytics for continuous improvement?

Yes, one of the key features of our software is its reporting and analytics capabilities. It provides insights into compliance performance and helps your hospital identify areas for improvement.

6. What happens if we encounter issues or need technical support?

We offer dedicated technical support and a responsive customer service team to address any issues or questions you may have. We're committed to ensuring your hospital's success with our software.

7. How much does the software cost, and what are the pricing structures available?

Our pricing structures are flexible and can be tailored to your hospital's size and requirements. We can provide you with detailed pricing options during our consultation to ensure it fits within your budget.

8. Will the implementation process disrupt our operations?

We understand the importance of a smooth transition. Our implementation process is well-planned and is designed to minimize disruption.

9. Will this require significant IT resources?

This is a hosted solution and needs minimal IT support. The IT resources needed are limited to initial evaluation and whitelisting.

Other Questions?

If you have any specific concerns or objections that are not addressed here, please feel free to share them with us during our consultation. We are committed to working closely with your hospital to ensure a successful implementation and address any questions or issues that may arise.

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Ready for your next unannounced survey inspection? Rise & Shine with us.

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