The 5 Essential Traits of High Reliability in Healthcare
We've highlighted the five essential traits of high reliability organizations and illustrated how Readiness Rounds helps our clients achieve each...
We've highlighted the five essential traits of high reliability organizations and illustrated how Readiness Rounds helps our clients achieve each...
Digitizing observation data is essential for performance improvement because the EHR is unable to effectively collect and aggregate quality data.
How do we achieve high reliability in our hospitals, and what is currently holding us back?
Hospital Accreditation vs Hospital High Reliability - both are necessities.
“In healthcare, the same mistakes happen again and again, and many of them are never investigated.”
Discover the 3 types of hospitals that benefit from digital Rounding. Patient Safety.
Trouble implementing digital rounds? Three ways to help promote new rounding solutions AND Improve Patient Safety and Quality of Care
We in health care, have access to an array of methods of checking the reliability of systems and processes to improve care.
To the point, we all mostly agree that it is important to check for quality, patient safety and patient experience.
When overseeing and conducting your hospital's fire drills, have you ever thought, “There has got to be a tool for this?”